Friday, April 29, 2011

Mad Minutes Math

How fast can you add?  Ready set go........two minutes goes by fast when you are adding and subtracting as fast as you can. 

Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss!

In celebration of Dr. Seuss we made Cat in the Hat hats and wrote silly rhyming stories.

 The cat sat on a rat on a mat.

The fat cat mat. The fat rat sat on the bat
The fat cat on the rat. The fat cat sat on a cat.

The cat tapt on a rat and sat on a cat.

Valentine's Day

One of our first grade friends made us a giant cookie.

Two very cool Valentine castles.

More cute mailboxes.
We played a heart relay race.  We split into 3 teams.  The object was to cross the carpet without touching it using giant paper hearts.  Each team had two hearts that they had to walk on and move to make it across the carpet to their waiting teammate.  My favorite part was hearing them cheer each other on.


Rough and Tough Hunters

Pretty Little Penguins



Our class turned into amazing actors and actresses for our Tacky the Penguin play.  I was very proud of how hard everyone worked to learn their parts.  I hope everyone enjoyed our performances.