Friday, October 21, 2011

Red Ribbon Week

Spirit Week is next week.  Show your commitment to be drug free by dressing up.
Monday - Pajama Day
Tuesday - Sports Day
Wednesday - Wacky Wednesday
Thursday - Sweats Day
Friday - Wear Red Day

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Get Ready

On October 19th, we are going to the BMCC Pumpkin Patch.  We need to bring $2 to cover our costs.  If you would like to volunteer for this trip let Mrs. Phillips know ASAP. 

STAR Reading

Once each month Mrs. Miltenberger has STAR Reading with our students.  She celebrates reading with each class & they get to play BINGO for books.  These students are this months BINGO winners.  Enjoy your books kids!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Wednesday & Thursday of this week we are having our school wide DIBELS reading testing. Everyone needs to get pleanty of rest & eat a good breakfast so they are ready to read, read, read.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Awesome Behavior

At last weeks assembly our class was recognized in three awesome ways.  First they won the Golden Award for being well behaved during recess.  Second they won the Golden Award for being great in music class.  Third they won the trophy for having the best assembly behavior.  First grade Rocked It!

Class Party

The class earned a party.   They chose a cookie party.  Everyone worked together to make the cookie dough, and each student got to frost two cookies of their own.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Mad Minutes Math

How fast can you add?  Ready set go........two minutes goes by fast when you are adding and subtracting as fast as you can. 

Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss!

In celebration of Dr. Seuss we made Cat in the Hat hats and wrote silly rhyming stories.

 The cat sat on a rat on a mat.

The fat cat mat. The fat rat sat on the bat
The fat cat on the rat. The fat cat sat on a cat.

The cat tapt on a rat and sat on a cat.

Valentine's Day

One of our first grade friends made us a giant cookie.

Two very cool Valentine castles.

More cute mailboxes.
We played a heart relay race.  We split into 3 teams.  The object was to cross the carpet without touching it using giant paper hearts.  Each team had two hearts that they had to walk on and move to make it across the carpet to their waiting teammate.  My favorite part was hearing them cheer each other on.


Rough and Tough Hunters

Pretty Little Penguins



Our class turned into amazing actors and actresses for our Tacky the Penguin play.  I was very proud of how hard everyone worked to learn their parts.  I hope everyone enjoyed our performances.